Why Manthan?

Modern Gurukul

Established in 2003, Manthan follows the Indian Gurukul system – where the Guru guides the Shishya from day one. It does not consist one-way lectures, rather an interaction of knowledge, experience, and dialogue with Gurus. The focus is on the development of each student’s potential, passion, creativity, and attitude to achieve. Thus, we develop their personality and lead them to self-discovery. Teaching beyond teaching – the way of self-discovery.

Admission eligibility – Burning desire

The conditions to get an admission at Manthan are – your hunger for creative work, readiness to work smart, and a burning desire to make it in career and life! You do not need scholarly marks, you can be 10th/12th pass or fail. Also, prior knowledge of artistic skills like drawing or sketching is not essential. You can also switch from any stream. BMM, BCA, MBA students can have an added benefit here and go higher in career. The Ad world mainly needs idea thinkers – and not talent in marks. You don’t have to be art qualified to be creative.

New age advertising courses

The advertising world is continually changing, bringing in new brands, trends, and media. Manthan has a research-based updated syllabus that applies to new age advertising. The faculties are industry-experienced subject matter experts (SMEs). They cover the latest trends in advertising, creative ideas, and design. Practical experience is given to students – from idea development to design execution. The courses take the student beyond academics. They are introduced to the various domains of creative arts like literature, films, music, design thinking, automation in designing, packaging design, product design, fashion, and Ad competitions. Manthan students have won the highest number of Maharashtra state art competition awards since 2009. Upgrade yourself to change with the time!

Creative thinking methodology

Ideas, the result of creative thinking, are at the centre of advertising. When you are good at creative thinking, success in a professional and personal life has no limit. Manthan has a methodology to train students in creative thinking and developing ideas in time, every time. It expands their vision to look at the world with a broader perspective. It teaches the students to observe, meditate, and convert life experiences in creative ideas. At Manthan creative thinking is not by chance, but a habit!

Smart training for Smart software

The new generation of Graphic Designing software are really smart with powerful vector creation and image editing capabilities. The Manthan faculty, who are industry insiders, offer Smart Ideas and applied knowledge of software for advertising assignments. Our syllabus follows Ad agency standards and process flow. Design demonstrations and latest trends are taught on AV projectors. Our students are given in-depth and practical knowledge of perspective to be able to create isometric designs. They are taught to create isometric logos, maps, and illustrations with precession, clarity, and warmth. Go smart with Smart software!

Agency internship and mentoring

This is another unique part of main Manthan courses. In the concluding part of these courses, Manthan students are given workshops and interactions with senior agency professionals from the Ad world. This gives them real-time experience and guidance, expanding their creative knowledge. A mentor, a Godfather takes your career to a new height!

No exams – Portfolio certification

Creativity cannot be judged merely by numerical scores/marks. Examination marks or degree certificates are not the only criteria for Ad agencies during job interviews. Your talent is judged mainly on your creative work. Hence, Manthan has no conventional examination pattern. Here the student has to reach a level of excellence in their portfolio and get it approved by the faculty. On approval, the course completion certificate is given. This portfolio gives the power to the student to get the right job. Show your attitude in your portfolio – not in exams!

Top Ad agency placement

At the end of the course, the student is ready in creative thinking, software, and correct attitude. He is also ready with a smart portfolio. On completion, Manthan assesses the style of student’s work, and accordingly gives a suitable placement in the Ad world. Today, hundreds of Manthan graduates are shining as creative directors and visualizers in leading Ad agencies in India and abroad. They have made their names as award-winning brand promoters. Manthan job placement – start your upward journey on the ladder!

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